Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “kotlin”
How the type error cost NASA $ 327 million
On December 11, 1998, NASA launched the Mars Climate Orbiter - robotic space probe designed to explore Martian climate from orbit and also to act as a communications relay for polar lander sent 2 months later. Nobody expected that after 9 months journey it will crash in the atmosphere from such simple software mistake.
Hard problems in NASA scale NASA puts a lot of effort into reliability. A lot of things can happen in space that we do not observe so often (or never) on Earth e.
Is Kotlin Java++ or beta of Java?
Is Kotlin just a beta version of Java and is it going to be superseded by Java and die? Or, is Java just trying to catch up from a better language but it will be never able to do this? Let’s check what is going on there!
From the birth of Kotlin to the present day Java 8 was a big deal when it was released in March 2014. Lambdas and stream API enabled thousands of developers to start writing in a more functional style without boilerplate code as they could do before with Guava library.